Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Truth Reformed - John 17:17

 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. - John 17:17

    It has been said of Christians that we not only need to know what we believe but “why” we believe it. For the unbeliever, the trouble is not that we believe in the God of the Bible; they’ve both seen and heard our contentions. The biggest objection I am ever faced with is not about “what I believe,” but “why I believe it.” My stock answer has always been and always will be  - “because it is the truth!” And therein lies the problem. Most unbelievers don’t believe in absolute truth. As relativists, they want to stick to the erroneous idea that “what is true for you isn’t necessarily true for me.” “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. - Judges 21:25.
    The problem for unbelievers is that God’s truth would be fine for them if it allowed them the latitude they like to live their own way, unfettered by God’s rules. That’s why so many people either ignore the Bible altogether or carefully cherry-pick those parts they agree with and shed those parts they find objectionable. They are willing to go to any extent rather than admit that God’s holy words ring truth! “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting . . . .” - Romans 1:28.
    Obviously, for these unbelievers, nothing we can say will convince them of those things which they refuse to believe. They have hardened their hearts and minds to God’s enduring truth. They remain in this state of sin because, “having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart.” - Ephesians 4:18. These are people who, in this state of sinfulness, are without hope. Only the Holy Spirit is able to change their hearts and unless the Spirit does so they will die in their sin.
    Another consideration unbelievers most often fail to perceive is the fact that the truth is insensitive; it doesn’t care whether they like it or not. It is still the truth. For some convoluted reason, many people believe that for the truth to be genuine, it must also be palatable or at the very least, something they can agree with. They all fail to understand that regardless of their refusal to hear the truth, it remains clear and fearsome. Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name.” - Psalm 86:11.
    As we celebrate Reformation Day, let us acknowledge that God’s truth is what Martin Luther declared to the world on October 31, 1517. Without encumbrances, we can believe in the truth of God’s holy word as revealed to us in the Bible. Sola scriptura, Sola fide, Sola gratia, Solo Christo, and Soli Deo Gloria. By scripture alone, through faith alone, by grace alone, through Christ alone, for the glory of God alone, the truth is Reformed!

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