In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. - Genesis 1:1
Once again there has been a recent spate of astronomical and cosmological reports stating that the evidence for extraterrestrial life is “out there.” I’ll say it is. We are constantly being presented with images of the possibilities, from pictures of the lifeless and desolate landscapes of Mars to a pock-faced moon of Jupiter where, they claim, vast oceans roar about beneath it’s hammered crust.
As for the Mars Rover’s pictures (literally hundreds of thousands which have been steadily streaming to us since 2012) none of them show the slightest shred of credible evidence of life on that dead planet either now or in the past. There isn’t even a single picture of anything that “could have been something that might have been some form of life!” In fact, the greatest amount of “evidence” for extraterrestrial life comes from . . . here, right here on earth. Various meteorites, geological anomalies, radio signals, etc., found here on earth tend to bolster the imaginings of the purveyors of this nonsense more than does the actual evidence gleaned from space exploration. In the end the results continue to be the same - zero, nada, zip, nothing, no life anywhere but here on earth. So while the scientists and dreamers continue to exploit the natural world here and in space hoping to find life elsewhere, the bible reveals the truth to us. “The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.” - Genesis 2:8.
Scripture never mentions God creating any other from of life anywhere else in the universe. None! The rest of creation is merely a backdrop for God’s plan for mankind here on earth - “Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” - Genesis 2:15. It was God’s plan that mankind tend to issues here . . . on earth, not in the heavens.
But then we witness the Fall. What then becomes important is the story of our redemption through the blood of Christ Jesus. The rest of the 66 books of holy scripture are decidedly focused on the Fall and subsequent salvation of mankind from perdition. It is man and man alone whom is saved. Neither horses, dogs, lions, or frogs will enjoy the benefits of salvation, primarily because animals cannot and do not sin. That is the exclusive purview of mankind.; therefore it is mankind which must be saved - mankind alone and no other life form.
For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Romans 10:13. Notice the verse says, “whoever,” not “whatever.” Albeit, I have even heard it suggested that extraterrestrial life forms didn’t sin so they don’t need salvation. However scripture tells us most pointedly : “ . . .because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.” - Romans 8:21-22. All of God’s creation was effected by the Fall yet only man requires and is capable of experiencing salvation. Since all of God’s creation was effected by the Fall everything within God’s glorious creation awaits renewal. Man is spoken of specifically because those whom are saved will reap the rewards of God’s grace. Invaders from Mars are not even alluded to . . . because they don’t exist! There is nothing out there . . . period
From Genesis 3 to the end of Revelation the entire Bible focuses on Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for mankind. Referring back to our title verse it is clear that God made the heavens and the earth and all further references to creation involve geological and atmospheric development and the formation of life - plant, animal, and human.
Certainly we will hear from the “eccentrics” (the best euphemism I could come up with . . . trust me) about beings who fell from heaven, the Nephilim, “sons of God,” fallen angels, etc. I would suggest that they spend a little more time on the concepts of soterology and theology rather than on briefly mentioned minor entities. Suffice to say, I will paraphrase Alexander Pope: the proper study of mankind is man . . . in relation to God, his Creator, Sustainer, and Savior.
May we spend our time seeking God’s truth as it applies to mankind rather than wantonly spending that time (and financial resources better spent here on earth) seeking futile explorations into the fantastic.